
All infographics are produced by Donner Beverage Economics. Any graphic provided under this section may be used for free provided credit is given. Students may contact us for any questions regarding the availability of our data, all we require is proof of your status as a student.

This graphic shows the concentration of breweries, primarily along I-25, with an especially large cluster in the downtown areas such as 87102. This shows a correlation between areas with high population density and craft alcohol outlet density.

Map of Bernalillo County by ZIP code showing population over 21, 2023. Color gradient indicates population density from light beige (10,000+) to dark maroon (50,000+).

This graphic shows the number of people 21 in Bernalillo County or older by zip code.

Map showing the percentage of population aged 21 and over by ZIP Code in Bernalillo County, color-coded from 65% to 80% or more, based on US Census Bureau 2023 data.

This graphic shows the percentage of the population 21 or older in Bernalillo County by zip code. Redo this map it is wrong, do based on total pop not ratio.

This graphic shows the median income in Bernalillo County by zip code.

Map showing median income by ZIP code in Bernalillo County for 2023, with a color scale indicating income ranges from 40,000 to 160,000. Data source: US Census Bureau 2023.

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